Cancer Full Moon -Nurturing Our Inner Child with Loving Kindness

As we reach the middle of January the lunation cycle culminates in a Full Moon in Cancer at 23 degrees. Full Moon energy can be busy, electric and frantic. This is the time to catch the wave and let yourself be taken from one task to another.
Sea analogies seem appropriate as Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac and introduced to our own inner high and low tide emotionally and is ruled by the Moon herself. This makes the Moon very at home in Cancer and team up easily. Both seeks nurturance, comfort and a safe harbour in the storm to shelter. This time can also bring up floods of tears seemingly from nowhere as Cancer is also around themes of healing and caring for our Inner Child.

This Full Moon takes on a very different tone this year as it is conjunct the transiting Mars in Cancer retrograde. Mars in Cancer can be about inner anger or childhood injuries, especially emotional ones, where our needs were not met or understood, so being aware of old pains or difficult memories coming to the surface is important. If triggered, whether yourself or another, simply breathing slowly into the Heart chakra can be very honouring and grounding, and allowing yourself to be with instead of fighting it off. Offering a hug or gentle smile to yourself or another can offer healing and release.

Helpful Tips for this time

·        Simply sit with any emotions that emerge from the depths of your Being

·        Feel into what kind self-care would support you at this time

·        Tune into surfacing needs to gently hold yourself

·        Allow yourself to withdraw when you feel you need a rest

·        Breathing into your Heart and with your feelings

·        If restless, find a safe outlet for your energy through movement

      Wishing you a deeply healing cancer Full Moon,


To explore how this lunation impacts you more personally and how to work with the energy, message me to arrange a 1:1 consultation, where we dive deeper into your unique messages (New client 90min £70, Return client 60min £50).




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