Higher Wisdom of Mother Nature -Full Moon in Sagittarius 4th June
Buckle up, the Four-footed Archer is activated this weekend for our first lunation of June!
When the centaur is illuminated by the moon we can feel our emotions heightened in an optimistic, enthusiastic, freedom-loving and funny way. Sag, the lone cowboy, loves an adventure to explore foreign cultures, philosophies and the Big questions of Life and we might find ourselves with new insight into our own life quests at this time. What beliefs buoy, support and cushion us through the transitional times we are currently going through, can become clearer now, as if we’ve reached the peak of the mountain and are able to look out surveying the landscape of our lives below.
Sagittarius also connects us with our inner wisdom and higher learning, whether through academia or in the School of Life. Wherever you have Sag energy in your chart there might be a strong urge to pursue a new teaching, wisdom tradition or philosophy.
The ruler of Sag, Jupiter, is currently however in Taurus, directing this questing, adventurous, fiery energy towards Terra Firma in a grounding way. Jupiter in Taurus asks us how we might be underestimating ourselves in areas of our staying-power, self-worth and 3 dimensional manifesting. Jupiter also wants us to believe in our animal instincts and modes of perception as well as listening to the wisdom of our bodies.
Now, whilst Sag might loudly preach his beliefs in front of anyone who will listen, the feminine Taurus energy of transiting Jupiter, ruling this Full Moon, invites us to listen to the quiet messages and signs of our animal friends and the gentle strength of Mother Nature within all of us. Sometimes, as humans, and especially in Gemini season, our minds can be extra active causing us to loose connection to our natural, animal, instinctive selves and the foundational presence which can always be found in the slow, peaceful and simplistic Hobbit existence.
What are your foundational beliefs underlying ‘The Good Life’?
In what ways might you connect with your inner Mother Nature or Empress energy?
What is your next adventure, learning journey or exciting project now?
Wishing you a Sag Full Moon of Self-Faith, Inspiration and Pilgrimage,