Virgo Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees - Making space for new beginnings
Early on Friday the 15th March we will experience a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. This starts the first Eclipse season of 2025 and as always with eclipses, these times can bring in sudden endings and sudden beginnings in our lives. Eclipses were one of the first celestial moments our ancestors correlated with earthly events and considered highly auspicious.
Because this is the first in a series of four eclipses in the sign of Virgo, this area of your chart will be working with the south node from now all the way into 2027, significantly altering and pivoting you in a fateful way. As often is the case, these fateful turns are hard to spot at the time and only in hindsight become clear.
However, to be aware of where this takes place in your chart and what planets in your natal chart this might activate can be helpful in surrendering to what the Universe is offering to you at this time.
With this first eclipse taking place in Virgo, there is emphasis on what lower manifestations of this sign are phasing out and ending, as the with the south node in Virgo there might be something about the associated themes of Health, Service and Body-Mind connection which needs a tweak or upgrade in your life.
When the wonderfully efficient, productive and nutrition aware Virgo goes to unhealthy extremes this can take the shape of anxiety, perfectionism and micro-managing, the joy and ease pushed to the side or made into a task on the to-do list. The Inner Critic reigns here keeping you firmly on the mat.
Saturn, the bringer of boundaries and structures, is also part of the conversation, but at this time conjunct with the North node in Pisces. This energy adds an invitation to be responsible for making space for dream-time, meditative activities and adding gravitas to connecting to spiritual modes of Being.
Uranus, the awakener and bringer of change also makes a powerful trine to the Virgo eclipse, inviting spontaneity and authenticity to inform what of the Virgo patterns of behaviour are more hindering than helpful. With Uranus in Taurus, this change is channelled through trusting your wise inner animal instinct, your five senses and body to send you off the right direction.
As part of a bigger evolutionary movement, with both Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries this year alongside theses eclipses, I am feeling this overall invite is for a rebirth on a grand, long-term scale. With the north node in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, the force of this energetic wave is to release, let go of, grieve, cleanse out and connect back to Source (Pisces), in order to then be reborn anew with the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). However, in order to allow time for the Piscean we first need to let go of some of the more practical Virgoan endlessly adding chores to the list or anxiously worrying about the future.
Helpful Self-enquiries at this time
- What spiritual or creative pursuits (Pisces) are you committing to at this time?
- What structures or Wise Elders (Saturn) would support you in this commitment?
- Which chores or perfectionist behaviour (Virgo) are you ready to let go of now?
- When does the Inner Critic (Virgo) come up for you and whose voice might it speak in?
Wishing you a relaxing, flowing and devotional Virgo Lunar Eclipse,
To explore how this lunation impacts you more personally and how to work with the energy, message me to arrange a 1:1 consultation, where we dive deeper into your unique messages (New client 90min £70, Return client 60min £50).