Winter Solstice season is here!
It is Capricorn time of year!
As the sun comes to the lowest point, darkness and quiet is invited to rest with us and nature of which we are a part. This is also the ingress of the Capricorn time of year when the practical, bare essentials of life and survival are what stands in the center of attention. Harvest safely stored and larder socked up, fire wood piled high and with the garden resting I settle down as the short day ends. Lighting my candle I snuggle up in front of the fire with a blanket over my knees, watching the fire flames flicker and hear the sound of silence all around.
This time of year can be likened to the turn of the tide at a larger scale, when for three days the sun pauses and stays in the same place before slowly, gradually as the days go by, starts to rise higher and higher every day, inviting the light slowly to return. In this darkest time of the year it can be helpful to embrace the dark by thinking of these few days as a womb state and within which a fertile vacuum new life is born. In this dark Nature waits patiently, encouraging an emptiness, which lets new possibilities and births emerge. Significant Astrology In the skies, Jupiter and Saturn are dancing close, meeting on this very solstice day to form a conjunction which can be seen in the western sky about an hour after sunset, as one bright celestial body. An echo perhaps of the Bethlehem star…? This time these two planets meet in the air sign of Aquarius, binger of equality and innovation, hopefully to bring an easier, more social year of 2021.
To the Celts this was an important turning point of rebirth, having spent the time since Samhain in the lowest time of the year. The light would finally start returning, gradually increasing day by day. A time to look back at inner worlds explored and learnt from in order to move forwards again now slowly in this new-found self-knowledge. As a painter and artist this time of year in a fertile time to create. It is a quiet and dark time encouraging feeling and listening deeply, allowing inspiration from the Universe to emerge. Resting the brush, sitting quietly with a painting, not needing to know next steps, but instead allowing time to mature a painting. In the garden I gather evergreens such as Bay and Rosemary to decorate the house in honor of the Solstice. At the back of the woodshed a big Yule log is happened upon and brought indoor to ensure long, uninterrupted evenings in front of the fire. My welsh dresser is stocked with red candles and cake tins rattle satisfactorily, full of delights.
Wishing you a quiet, restful Solstice! And a wonderous light return! Winter Blessings/ /Sara (NatureConnectionArt, NatureConnectionAstrology)